Dr. Dr. Iranbomy
Rechtsanwalt Dr. phil. Dr. jur. Seyed Shahram Iranbomy hat in Oxford, Genf, Straßburg und Deutschland u.A. die Bereiche Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, internationale Beziehungen und Rechtswissenschaften studiert und darin Forschungen betrieben.
We are happy to process your legal questions online or by phone. Tell us your legal problem by e-mail (info@iranbomy.com) with your contact details. In exceptional cases, call us if an initial consultation by e-mail appears unsuitable.
He has assisted innocent people in Germany, China, the US, the Gulf States, and Iran with the use of meticulous, scientific and criminal investigation methods. As a co-plaintiff, attorney and defense lawyer he has fought with knowledge and competence for the rights of victims of rape, document forgery, property crime, bankruptcy fraud, child abduction, and honorary offenses.
Dr. Dr. Iranbomy worked together with the FBI, Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Dubai, BKA, LKA, state protection nationally and internationally. In special cases, he also cooperated with the police at the German Bundestag.Dr. Dr. Shahram Iranbomy | Persian Lawyer in Frankfurt, Germany
Dr. Iranbomy was reported in the media, among others: ARD, ZDF, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, Hessischer Rundfunk, Frankfurter Rundschau, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Bild Zeitung. Lawyer Dr. Dr. Iranbomy, his Law Office works in cooperation with a network of Iranian, German and US lawyers and offers its clients optimal and time-efficient support.
Dr. Dr. Iranbomy is best Persian Criminal Lawyer in Frankfurt
The prime areas of expertise focus on alternative conflict-management resolutions, customer’s cross-border foreign direct and portfolio investment transactions, real estate, and financing international projects. Furthermore, our office has valuable experiences in international family conflict management regulation, inheritance, and child custody issues, as well as cultural-diversity including religious issues. STRAFSTEUERRECHTAussageverweigerungsrecht, Akteneinsicht, Zeugenverenhmung, Pflichtverteidiger, Nebenkläger- und Wahlverteidiger
Scheidung Ohne Trennungsjahr, Ehevertrag, Morgengabe, Brautgabe, Iranische und Islamische Scheidung, Online ScheidungARBEITS- UND ANTIDISKRIMINIERUNGSRECHTKündigungen, Abfindungen, Abmahnungen, Lohnfortzahlung, Überstunden, Betriebsrat, Sozialplan, Mobbing und Diskriminierungen HOCHSCHULRECHT UND SCHULRECHTPrüfungsanfechtung bei Promotion, Staatsexamen, Master, Bachelor, Schulnoten, NC-Klage, Schulwahl, Versetzung, MobbingDr. Iranbomy دکتر ایرانبومی, Lawyer in Frankfurt, Germany